More Campaign!!!

Make sure you read the whole post!  I promise you at the end, the very end… it will be totally worth it!  Get ready for a massive AWWWWWWW moment!!!!

There is a LOT involved in organizing and working a campaign.  A lot.  There are so many materials to make sure you have, meds you need both for regular surgery as well as for emergencies. 

It gets pretty crazy, but in the end… preventing hundreds of thousands of lives from being born to only suffer or die makes it all worth it!  In just 3 days, that is exactly what was accomplished during this campaign.

Ill take you through what a days work is at a campaign.


First, we had to set the school up.  At this school, they had 4 abandoned rooms.  They were a mess.  The floors were black with dirt they hadn’t been used in so long!  Thankfully a cleaning company, CONFEQ, donated a great cleaning crew who got those three rooms swept out from all the garbage and those floors were once again white.  The walls were still covered with artwork from the past, one room looked like it was one used for the teachers like a lounge.  (Hopefully something they can have once again).  Then, there is the unpacking of ALL the supplies and setting up the rooms. 

The photos will speak for themselves.

All of this….

neil and laura

Turned into this…

setupday2 setupday3 supplies supplies2 supplies3 cratessetup setupday

And more…

All thanks to this amazing group of people!!!!  ( I really wish I got a photo of what the rooms looked like before.  I will check and see if anyone got any!)

set up crew

The entire walk way for the 4 rooms was covered with huge bags, weighing about 1500lbs in total of supplies to be unpacked and sorted and put into its places so the following morning, we could all just show up and start the work.  Intubation tubes, suture, recovery supplies, syringes… you name it.  And we only had a few hours to do it in!  Everyone worked like champs and we were set and ready to go before dark!  (At least I think…)  Yes!  It was before dark because I remember all of us sitting in the grass eating pizza waiting for Pepe the dog catcher to come to take some of the volunteers out to try ad trap some street dogs.

The following morning, and pretty much every morning when we arrived at 7am… it looked like this.


On the final day, it was that AND… all the way down and around the corner.  There were so many people the volunteers asked me if we could add another day onto the campaign, but we couldn’t.  The vets who we worked with had their own clinics and patients they needed to attend to.

ownerslinedup BIGlinedupBIG owners with pets waiting


The lucky people lined up at all hours, got their animals in for surgery!
The first process is the paperwork and weighing the animals.  We have to get as much info on the animals and owners as possible.  For example, when was the last time the animal ate food.  This will determine at what time their animal will have surgery.  If they ate that morning, they will need to wait until the afternoon to make it safer for the animal. 


In registration, many people are filling out the information on the form, then writing the important info onto a paper collar and then putting it around the animals.  Collars and leashes were fitted and given to owners who didn’t have any and chairs were set up in the shade for them to have a seat and wait until their number was called….

Speaking about calling numbers!!!!  Back to Volunteer introductions!!!!!

Michael.  The man with the Mic!  You should recognize Michael, because his photo has been here before!  Michael and his partner Jim are the loving parents to Ms. Ears, now known as Bella!!

Michael wanted to come down and I was so happy, he was my secret surprise for Save Our Scruff.. they had no idea he was coming down until he arrived!  Haha!  It was a hard secret to keep!  Michael even flew on the same flight as many of the other volunteers, but no one knew until it was… SURPRISE! haha
Michael was a fantastic support for ALL the volunteers and the locals as Michael can speak both spanish and english.  He was such a great asset.  Michael was responsible for calling the numbers for both pre op and recovery.  You see, once the animal was finished in surgery, and the animal was examined in recovery, the owners were called in to sit with a their animals to work with the volunteers and await as they woke up.  Michael helped all the volunteers greatly to be able to communicate with all the locals.  🙂  He was a very busy man, but he’s just like me and has the gift of gab!  Haha!  🙂  BUT, do not upset the man with the Mic! lol!

michael3 michael michael2

Michael, please come back again!  And bring our sweet ears for a visit! hehehe!


Krista is a doll.  I love this woman.  Krista stayed behind longer than most of the other volunteers because she was escorting dogs back for us and we really got to know each other well!  Krista was the cat lady recovery pretty much on her own for the campaign.  Unlike the dogs, you don’t get to really sit down as often, so its a long day on your feet.  But look at that smile!  Krista did help out lots with the dogs too, so there was a few times you could catch her sitting down, but most of the time she was on her feet.  Cats are a little harder than dogs because A) They take a LOT longer to recovery than the dogs do.  B) They sleep with their eyes open, so you have to watch their eyes and apply lubricant as needed C) If they start to wake up, they can escape… so they need to be secured as soon as they start to look like they could be coming around.  They are also finicky, as we all know, so keeping a close eye on their breathing and is important when they are under.  She is also a favorite because one day, I was sending out 17 on 3 different flights and when I said I would need help, she JUMPED at the chance to hang out with me at the airport and go back and forth all day.  That wins major bonus points with me.  Its not a fun day.  But having her there with me was a great support and her smile is like Al’s, super infectious!  I will be seeing Krista again soon as she has volunteered to come down again to escort more dogs for me!  She is only coming for an over night trip too.  THAT my friends, is dedication!

Krista2 krista monsekrista

PUP DATE!!!!!!
Mary Kate A.K.A Momma Angel’s pup

Mary Kate was adopted into a family of a volunteer from Save Our Scruff.  Laura Hanna, the SOS volunteer in Toronto, fostered Mary Kate for a short time and decided Mary Kate was not allowed to leave her family. Haha!!!   Her sister was looking to adopt a second dog, and wouldn’t you know it, little 5lbs Kate was adopted and has a 115lbs brother who ADORES her to bits!  Laura Hanna is down here in Mexico with me this week (of course to escort more pooches) and was telling me yesterday all about Mary Kate and her new brother.  Mary Kate was quite the instigator here, and apparently that hasn’t changed at all.  Haha!  She was always the more outspoken and stood up taller than her brothers and sisters and always got her way (she even pushed around her momma haha)  Well,  During a family BBQ, Mary Kate was instigating things with the other dog family members and any time the dogs started barking at Mary Kate, her brother stepped in between them to protect his new little sister.  He loves her so much, even though shes in the puppy stage, has no manners and LOVES to play non stop, he is super patient, loving, and doesn’t make a noise even though shes swinging from his jowls.  Haha!

Mary Kate, your sister Katie B is still here with us and we all miss you very much.  We are excited to see photos and more photos as you grow into the beautiful  dog you are mean’t to be and we are so happy you have a family of your own to do it with!!!!




Keep following!!!!  I will explain more about the clinic and how a typical day goes, introduce you to more volunteers and of course!   UP DATE you on my babies and how they all are in their new lives with their very own families!


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Spay and Neuter campaign!

I am SO excited about the up and coming campaign April 29th, 30th and May 1st, 2016 in Cancun, Mexico.  We are aiming to spay and neuter 400 to 500 dogs and cats in 3 days.  It won’t be easy, but it can be done!  Long hours, lots of work and thankfully the dedicated vets from Vets in Action will be on the scene operating non stop. 

Save our Scruff, one of my rescue partners in Canada is funding and bringing down supplies and volunteers for the campaign.  It is a LOT of work from coordinating flights, who’s bringing down what, where are they going to stay, what is every one going to eat and drink, where are we hosting the campaign… its a lot of work, but it will be WELL worth it!

Did you know that one litter of pups can produce 63,000 puppies?  That is a LOT.  Cats, are even higher!  With the amount of animals on the streets in Mexico, spay and neuter IS the only solution.  You can’t turn a corner without seeing a homeless dog or cat.  There used to be campaigns up to twice a year in Cancun but that has not happened in a couple of years now and I am so worried that all the work that was done over those years will quickly and easily be undone.  And it will, if we dont hurry up and get back on the campaign track.  I was so excited when S.O.S brought up possibly doing a campaign, at the time it was just an idea they threw out at me and I took it and RAN with it haha!  I know it will be a great success as the Vets in Action team are amazing local surgeons with excellent training in low cost, less invasive, teeny tiny incisions which makes recovery and healing shorter and FAST surgical techniques thanks to Planned Pethood International and the Spay and neuter guru himself Dr. Jeffrey Young.  Dr. Jeff has travelled the world teaching his techniques for years.  I am so greatful to be able to work with such a great team of vets headed by Dr. Luis.  This campaign WILL prevent a lot of suffering and poor little lives from being born to suffer.

During this campaign, we will be providing the dogs and cats with all their injections, AND dewormer and flea and tick meds.  This makes the cost per surgery approximately $30 per animal.  We are using only the BEST injectable antibiotics and meds we can buy.  IF there are enough funds left, we will also be buying vaccinations in bulk to also give FOR FREE.  After all, we do want the animals to have the best recovery and live long, healthy, non puppy and kitty producing lives.  If you would like to sponsor a dog or cat surgery, you can do so via Paypal at  Please specify in your donation that you are a dog or kitty sponsor.  I will be SURE to send you a photo and basic information on the dog or cat that was spayed and neutered thanks to your donation!

Some of the things we will be doing for the animals as they come through the clinic are;

Basic examination,  surgery, nails clipped, ears cleaned, ticks and fleas picked and meds applied, fur brushed, the badly matted dogs will get a nice shave in recovery while they are still sleeping, for those animals that come in with leashes or collars fashioned out of anything from wire, seatbelts, chains, rope – will be fitted with a leash and collar to take home.  The volunteers will be working along side the owners in recovery, showing them the basics on animal care.  The education here for owners is very low.  We will be working with the locals to help change that.

We are currently looking for corporate sponsors as well for the campaign to help us cover the costs of the supplies and other things needed, like lunches and cold drinks for the vets and volunteers.  If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor for the campaign, please write me at  We will be advertising the campaign internationally, and will include your logo on ALL our campaign fliers, news updates, facebook pages and MORE. 

For those of you who would like to donate items, here is a general list of items that we will be needing.  Please contact me to arrange to have these items brought down, if you are donating from Canada or the USA.

Surgical Clinical Items

  • Surgical drape or surgical gowns (we cut gowns and make our own drape)
  • Sterile pouches (envelopes) for packing drape and gauze into to be sterilized for surgeries.
  • Syringes 1 ml and 3 ml with 22 gauge to 24 gauge needles
  • Surgical gloves sizes 6.5 to 8
  • Examination gloves sizes medium and large
  • Cold sterile/chlorhexidine
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Alchohol
  • Surgical masks/hats
  • Sleeves of 4×4 gauze
  • Intubation tubes sizes 3 to 8.5 (with the bulb working)
  • Catheters 20 gauge to 24 gauge
  •  Tape
  • Suture – suture material is REALLY important.  We can only use the best absorbable suture as many of these dogs do go back to dirt floors.  The suture we need is pds/monocryl 0 to 3-0.  We can use braided vicryl, (same sizes) but only internally as the braided suture can trap in dirt and increase the chances of infection. Reels are also excellent as we can swag our own suture onto syringe needles.  Expired suture is accepted as we test the strength before surgery.

Non Surgical Items

  • Collars and leashes all sizes
  • Cones- all sizes
  • Food and water bowls
  • Eye drop lubricant for cats
  • Collapsible wire crates all sizes
  • Transport crates sizes medium to extra large
  • Puppy X pens
  • Bathing mitts
  • Shampoos – medicated and non medicated
  • Flea and tick meds
  • Heartworm medication
  • Dewormer
  • Towels, blankets, bedsheets, pillow cases, old bath mats
  • Dog shirts and sweaters
  • Dog nail clippers
  • Clippers!  We are always in need of professional clippers for prepping dogs for surgery and for shaving down the really matted dogs whose owners can’t afford grooming services.

If you have anything you would like to donate for the campaign, or not sure of how you can help please do not hestitate to contact me! 

I cannot wait for campaign day.  These campaigns are SO addictive!  Once you’ve participated in one… you are hooked for life.  I know I am.  I am hoping though, that within my lifetime, I can see a Cancun that no longer NEEDS spay and neuter campaigns.  It CAN and WILL happen, but it can’t happen without the support and dedication of volunteers and sponsors. 

While we all wait for this campaign to kick off… here are some adorable photos of my daughter Kathryn with puppies.  These puppies are lucky because they found their way here.  They will never spend a day of their life suffering or having to survive without, as their momma has had to experience in her life.  Please help us to stop the overpopulation and end the suffering the unlucky ones face.  We can be the change.  We can make a difference and the only way we will do it is together!


katieandpups2 katieandpups3 katieandpups

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Ticks and fleas

Ticks cause a lot of damage to animals down here.  Because of the humid tropic temps, they flourish all year round – attacking pets and animals of all kind and some humans too!  They carry diseases like anaplamosis and ehrlichia that can kill an animal easily.


As I was spraying today, (I fumigate once a week to fight the battle against the ticks) I got really excited.  I remembered one of the things I used to do for the community I lived in.  I would save up all my plastic bottles.  I would mix it with mostly water and a half a cap full of this product called Bovitraz.  


Bovitraz has a wide range of uses, but what I like it for most of all is spray for ticks.  Ticks like to climb up the walls and burrow into little holes, lay eggs and get hungry.  By spraying the walls once a week, I have barely any ticks, and no real need to put flea and tick meds on the dogs here at my home.  When I was operating a shelter, it was really important to spray because having up to 45 dogs and puppies can equal a HECK of a lot of ticks if you’re not careful.  The disapointing thing about flea and tick meds is, they dont really repel anything.  Sure, once the liquid has soaked into the system of the dog, they can kill off what ever ticks are feeding on the animal, but… they still need to feed and the dogs can still get sick.  Now, on those cases where they have tons of ticks, yes!  Get those meds on them.  But for locals here, those meds are expensive and it does not get to the root of the problem and get rid of the ticks and their nests.  They keep coming and coming.  


 Bovitraz has a wide range of uses.  It can be used as a dip for mange and fleas and ticks.  It does need to be done carefully as Bovitraz is a strong pesticide, but it is great to treat those severe cases.  A half a capful of bovitraz, costs about 5 or 6 pesos.  It can kill all the ticks currently on the animal, kill the mange mites and with proper fumigation and care, the animal can live comfy and tick/mange free!  Bovitraz is SUCH a cheap, efficient option for the locals but many dont know how to effectively use it.  With the mobile clinic we will be able to teach them, provide them with their first few bottle mixes, help show them how to safely use it on their animal in the severe cases, and encourage them to do a good wall, property line spray – even if bi weekly or monthly, it will STILL have an impact!  One bottle of Bovitraz can last a household easily 6 weeks to 3 months depending on how often they choose to spray.  A bottle costs 120 pesos at the feed stores.  Its easily accessable!  The owners will know where to get it in their community.  And an even happier outcome for the animals?  Pet owners are a LOT more likely to allow their animals to come inside the home IF they are not covered in parasites and pesky bugs!  


I really cant wait to get the wheels turning on the mobile clinic.  It is going to make a world of difference to both the animals and the people!  Please keep an eye out for a special fundraiser coming soon to get the clinic on the road or you can visit the site under donations and I will put those donations aside for the mobile vet clinic fundraiser!  Please say in the comments section “mobile” to be sure it goes towards that specific fundraiser.  🙂 image image image

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