Success stories

  • Apollo


    While out taking Old Man Simon out for a walk, we came across this poor creature crawling down the sidewalk trying to get anyone to help him. He was mangey, bone thin but the sweetest thing imaginable! With two young girls help, I got him home where he did nothing but sleep for the first 24 hours. After xrays, it was discovered Apollo had a fractured hip. Thankfully for Apollo, it didnt require surgery to heal. Crate rest, minimal exercise, bi weekly treatment for sarcoptic mange, lots of love and food! In no time, Apollo was healthy, happy and on his way to find his home through one of our rescue partners in Canada. Apollo is one heck of a happy dog with his very own family!
  • Escoba


    Escoba! Oh what to say about Escoba! Escoba was my first sarcoptic mange case. I had always dealt with demodex, and wow… what a relief it is to learn that sarcoptic mange is a LOT easier to cure! Excellent news for Escoba because she had one of the worst cases Ive ever seen. She was bone thin from ehrlichia. Was covered in scabs and mites. The only hair left on her body was what little was left around her face, ears and head. She was not a happy, cuddly, or social dog when she first arrived. Within a couple of weeks, the mites were dying off, her scabs were gone, she had signs of hair growing back here n there.. she gained weight and became one of the best transitions I ever been blessed to witness. She came out like a butterly from a cocoon. She was a short little thing with a huge heart and loved to run and play. Escoba now has an amazing family who loves her to bits in Toronto, Ontario Canada. She has very good reasons for being such a happy dog. She will never, ever end up getting tossed out like this ever again!
  • Ebony


    story here
  • Biff


    story here

Frosty the…poodle! Pup-doption Update!

Frosty.  Frosty was a sweet dog that took a lot of work to get to me and thank goodness I have amazing, hard working friends.  I found him posted in a group for Playa del Carmen by a woman begging for someone to take him in or she would have to put him back on the street.  She was moving the next day, and was not allowed to bring this darling little boy with her.  He had been picked up off the street by her only a short time before hand and I could not let him go back to the streets after being in a home… again.  So my wonderful friends sprung to action.  Between Loraina and Sherwood, Frosty was picked up, brought to Coco’s for his neuter, fostered in Akumal for a few days and then my amazing friend’s Sherwood and her husband Bob drove him alllll the way up to me!  (Sherwood also picked his name!) I am so blessed to know so many wonderful people so dedicated to helping an animal in need!

What a love button he is. Spunky, energetic… non stop player (of the toys, not the ladies!)  Frosty and Ears hit it off right away!  Those two LOVED to play hard, and hard they did play!

Once all of Frosty’s vaccines and deworming and testing was all done, he was sent up to Toronto to find his new home  through my amazing rescue partner Save Our Scruff.  While he was in foster, and at the dog park one day… he ran into a great friend of mine named Tami and her dog Socks who I doggy sat for her in the fall until Socks could make it up to Toronto to be reunited with her Momma.  Its funny how many of my pooches Tami runs into and sends me photos of.  After a short time in foster, Frosty found an AMAZING home with Olga and her husband.  They are totally head over heals in love with him!  The husband’s chair, is now Frosty’s chair and you will see why he’s claimed it – really, it is the best seat! 

Even though all my little loves get adopted soooooooo far away, I am so greatful the internet makes the world that much smaller.  Between Tami and her amazing ability to run into one of my pooches in Toronto, or know the person who is fostering or adopted one of my babies… and the internet itself connecting everyone together… I may not be able to pet him and hug him or tell him how happy I am for him, but these photos make my heart smile just the same AND I get to tell his Mom how happy I am for him and for her and her husband.  OH OH  OH OH OH!  And the BEST part!?  Ms. Ears (now Bella) and Frosty only live 10 minutes away from each other!  Friends forever they will be!!!!

Sooo…Here he is.  In all his chair and sunshine glory. 

My sweet Frosty.


 frosty9frosty2frosty6   frosty7  frosty1 frosty8 frosty4


Thank you to the Save our Scruff team for always going above and beyond and finding my pooches amazing homes.

Olga and family.. thank you for loving Frosty more than anyone else ever could and for giving him the home he always deserved to have.   I look forward to years and years of happy photos of sweet Frosty in his chair. 

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The BIG reveal!

Remember sweet Kris?  He was brought to me right around Christmas.  His poor skin was like leather.  He was SKIN and bones!  Here are some of his befores when he first came to me.  Just a reminder to our fb readers, click the link at the bottom to see all the photos and his wonderful transformation! 






The poor dear was just a mess.  He was totally shut down.  He did not know what affection was or if wanted it.  He was starving. (I still can’t believe how much this boy can eat!) Well, without any further delay, I introduce you to… the new Kris!!!

Isn’t he just the cutest!?




Kris with his shadow and good mate Marley!




Day or night, his little tail doesnt stop wagging.

Kris is now about 14 months old, but a very calm, loving young dog.  He is neutered. Fully vaccinated And READY for adoption! It wasn’t easy getting Kris to where he is now.  The poor fella itched so badly and because his skin was so sensitive, he was in sweaters to protect him from scratching himself.  Also, he had to be kept away from the animals so they wouldn’t accidentally hurt him while he healed. He developed a growth on his back leg that needed to be removed and sent to a lab for testing.  We should have the results soon!  Keep your paws crossed it was just an ulcer!  Kris says thank you to everyone who helped him along the way to get him where he is today!  It could not have been done without you!

Keep following to see Kris again, once he has found his very own forever family.  I have a feeling it won’t be long now!

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Reggie is one of those dogs…

Some dogs just steal your heart and you know from the get go, they are wise and old souls. Reggie was one of these dogs. Infact, he is the only dog so far who reminds me of my old man Simón. I can’t count how many times I’ve been asked “How do you give them up?” and not really had an answer. All I can say is “it’s not easy, but its worth it to the dogs”. This photo right here perfectly answers why and how. Thank you Reggie for breaking my heart open even more. Now, to wipe away my tears.


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Ms. Ears Update!!

Ms. Ears! I could go on for HOURS about this little spitfire and the antics her and Bolillo got up to at my friend Rebeccas house. There wasn’t a dog or pup she didn’t try to make friends with but wow, could she go. She has little dog syndrome for sure haha! She was brought to me by her owner who had her locked up in a bathroom for MONTHS. She was too much for him and his dog according to him. I did make sure he understood that walking her and lots of toys was the solution so she wasn’t always all over his other dog who could not stand Ears energy, also, sterilizing her… but he did not want this girl anymore. Education is so needed down here.  I do what I can, but more needs to be done! Ms. Ears is one of the MOST unique pups I have ever seen.  She has the fur and markings very similar to a sheppard pup, but she’s a fully grown little chihuahua cross. What she is crossed with is any ones guess but wow. She is stunning. Ms. Ears, along with a lot of the pups and dogs that are rescued here are taken into foster through one of my rescue partners, Save Our Scruff in Toronto, Ontario. They are placed into foster care, until the perfect home is found! Ms. Ears was of course, a foster fail and she is now officially the Princess Pooch of Michael and Jim!  Congratulations to Ms. Ears (now Bella) and her new Dads. I could not be happier for them or her! She has settled in well, adjusted to the snow, is all over them (literally) for cuddles and snuggles and entertains them daily with her silly girl antics. Since the owner lied to me about her age, we had to guess based on her teeth and she was about 8 months of age upon intake.  Her parents have chosen TODAY as her official birthday so please join me in wishing her a Happy Birthday with many, MANY, happy years to come. I am so glad to be connected to her new family and be able to watch her as she grows into the amazing dog she will be.  If you want to watch her with me, you can follow her on instagram @bellabellacoachella Thank you to EVERYONE who helped me to help Bella.  From rides to the airport, fostering, donations for food and vetting.  Together, we helped the world because we have one less dog in need. Ears, my little stinker, I am so proud of you and happy for you.  I love you always! ~ Momma Pam image image image

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So many updates, so little time!

What a crazy two weeks! 

First, for those of you reading this on our facebook page, please be patient.  My posts post automatically from the website (great time saver!) but facebook does not recognize the enter button so it posts my posts as one gigantic paragraph.  To read it the way it is meant to be seen (with ALL the photos!), please scroll down to the link below!  I have a LOT to update and pictures to show!


Update 1.  This is my favorite.  All Pets Deserve Vets and Save Our Scruff based in Toronto, Ontario is teaming up to bring a FREE 3 day spay and neuter campaign to Cancun!  The dates are April 29, 30 and 1st of May!  We are teaming up with a local team of skilled vets, Vets In Action and aim to spay and neuter 100 dogs and cats per day! That will prevent THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of animals from being born just to suffer.   Save Our Scruff (SOS) is raising the funds currently and looking for volunteers to come down!  Spaces are limited and support is GREATLY needed!  If you are local here in Cancun and wish to help or donate, please contact me directly!   If you are out of the Cancun area and would like to help out in ANY way, please contact SOS via their website Here! 

Update 2.  We have a NEW Momma and 4 puppies here!  My great friend Irene, who has worked in dog rescue for years down here… she called me to tell me about a litter of pups and a darling sweet momma at the car ferry in Punta Sam.  She was very worried about their safety and thankfully, I had the space and resources to be able to take them in.  The momma is young.  Maybe a year and a half old.  She is super intelligent and very sweet.  She will get adopted so quickly once her and her babies are ready!  I really hopes she passes all of her traits onto the pups!  She house trained herself in hours.  (She sits at the kitchen gate to let me know when she wants out to do her business).  She is constantly caring for, watching over, snuggling, cleaning her puppies.  She sits right away when she approaches you for pets or hugs.  Every photo I take of her, she is ALWAYS smiling!  Yet another street dog with the sweetest personality, is a street dog.  I cannot understand why.  Oh well, no point looking back only forward!  She has all the opporunities in the world now!  Momma and her puppies will ALL end up in loving, caring forever homes now!  no more sleeping out on the street for these lucky 5!  This momma needs a name so if you have ANY ideas please send them to me!


Update 3.  The reason I have been so busy and unable to update is this past week we helped in sending out 10 dogs to Canada for adoption in 7 days!  I recently connected with Dr. Luis Moncada, a skilled spay and neuter king and head vet of the Vets Association here in Cancun.  I did not know that he cared for a shelter of 70 dogs!  I was totally blown away and so impressed by how much they do for these dogs and how fantastic they look!  All perfectly vetted to a T.  So happy and well socilaized!  I had to get in and help them get some of their beloved animals find homes through my rescue partner in Toronto.  Really good homes for adoptions down here are so rare and hard to come by.  Especially when you’re talking about the common street dog.  Does not matter they come in all shapes, colours and sizes…  finding them homes is much, much easier abroad.  Thankfully, people do volunteer to be escorts for dogs to get back to Canada and I have to say, without volunteer escorts, some of our dogs just would not make it into homes at all.  If you are interested in being a flight volunteer, please contact me!  In the meantime, look at these happy doggies!  I know that in no time, I will be doing an update about them in their new happy homes!




Update 3.1 haha!  Kaila, one of the dogs that travelled was not quite sure about what was going on by the time she arrived in Toronto.  If anyone knows our Mexi’s, they are also nicknamed Houdinis.  These babes can back out of a collar or harness in the blink of an eye!  Silly Kaila did JUST that and took off running in the airport parking lot in Toronto.  She played hide and go seek VERY well with a group of dedicated people who are amazing at tracking and capturing lost dogs.  It was so scary for all of us, but I have to say… Kaila is not a dumb dog by any means.  She was trapped on the third day in a live trap and is in foster with her 4 legged friend Napoleon in foster.  She is much more appreciative of the warmth and constant love and attention.  She really has settled in very well and got a clean bill of health from the vet after she was captured.  See if you can spot her in the photo below!  I really have to send a HUGE thank you to the group of dedicated people who were out 24 hours a day until kaila was caught and safe.  I was totally blown away by your dedication, knowledge and organization! Kaila really put her survival skills and the eye sight of her rescuers to the test! haha!   I am so glad the “baby diaper” worked!  There are some things a mexi cannot resist! 

kailahiding kailapeeking captured kailanapoleon

My last update for today, and possibly my favorite.  (I do have more to come!  I just need to get ready for a meeting tonight re:spay and neuter campaign!)

Cesar.  One of the loves of my and my family’s life.  He is a red cocker boy who was so misunderstood because of his previous life and how he handled stress.  I could go on about him for ever.  Just know, I believed in him.  I knew he was capable of so much more than what he was labelled and I did not settle for him.  He has a home with another doggy sibling and a mom that adores him as much as we do.  He has adapted so well to being a pet, not a puppy guarding dog that he now enjoys all the things in life he never would have had the chance if I allowed him to be mislabelled.  This photo of Cesar not only gave me the biggest smile, but also the happiest tears.  His Mom said Cesar not only LOVES the snow, but was jumping on strangers tobaggans and riding with them down the hill!  This right here made having to say good bye to him worth it for my heart.



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