Celebration and Contest TIME!

I am finally finished the website editing (I do still have a few success stories to fill in) but otherwise, I am SO HAPPY and GRATEFUL for the new website! 

It looks AMAZING. Heidi A great friend of mine, did ALL this work in such a short time I am blown away!  You can find her info at the very bottom of the home page.  If you need a website, she is your woman!  It has all the info you could need about our projects, our animals, volunteering… if there is anything you think I should add please let me know! 

There are so many things being worked on right now to prepare for the mobile clinic!  As I write this, I am making up pamphlets for adults on basic dog care, simple signs to know when your animal needs help and of course, HOW to get that help! 

It will talk about the importance of spaying and neutering, common illnesses and what the signs and symptoms are, preventing diseases and simple cures for things like fungus and yeast infections.  I cannot wait to get this pamphlet into the hands of the people! 

Basic things will help them better help their pets and keep their animals healthy and happy for years to come!  When the animals are healthy, they are a lot less likely to get dumped in the streets.  image

Now for the CONTEST! 

It’s 50/50 CONTEST TIME! ANYONE from ANYWHERE can participate and the MORE you share, the more cashola can be won!!! 50/50


1. Visit my new page and click LIKE. Once you click like, make sure you hover over it and click on “get notifications” to ensure you don’t miss out on any updates!!!


2. Pick a NAME for the ADORABLE puppy in the picture above,

Make a $5USD PayPal contribution to donations@allpetsdeservevets.org via “send money to friends and family” and post the name for the puppy in the comments section. I will add the names that were already submitted to the bottom of THIS post, so there aren’t duplicates. If by accident you do submit a duplicate name, I will email you so you can submit another one but please check the list!

3. The name submission part of the contest will run from today, February 21, 2016 until 10pm EST Facebook time next Sunday, February 28, 2016 10pm EST.

4. By 10:30pm EST, there will be a Facebook post featuring a survey on the “All Pets Deserve Vets” facebook page with ALL the names entered via PayPal and voting will commence! Voting will run for one week’s time until March 6th, 2016 10pm EST Facebook time! The name with the MOST VOTES wins half the pot and gets to name THIS ADORABLE PUPPY! So, make sure you share it LOTS and get your friends and family to vote for your name choice! (If they aren’t participating themselves that is, hehe!) 

5. The winner will receive half of the pot via PayPal within minutes after the winner is announced! To help you with your name choices, here is the history of the sweet pup!

Age: 5 months

Colour:  Black and Tan

Description: Short stubby legs with gigantic paws

Personality:  SWEET and playful!

Fur: Wire haired rough coat, yet sleek and it SHINES!

His Story: This pup was brought to me only 2 or 3 days after Christmas by caring members of the community. They found him alone and scared in the street. At first, we thought he may be lost, so they were going to ask around if anyone had lost their puppy, and they did!  But no one claimed to own him.

After he got a good meal in him and started pooping… I knew he was a Christmas present gone wrong. For 2 days he pooped diaper jelly. That’s right, he ate baby diapers. Gross, right? Not to these dogs… I still waited for 2 weeks… now almost 2 months and no one has come claim him so he is now a part of “All Pets Deserve Vets” and will be placed for adoption soon!

This is why pets given as presents is a BAD idea! He didn’t know he was doing anything wrong… he just knew he wanted to eat diapers and probably made a big mess doing it.  I am grateful he was brought here because ANYTHING horrible could have happened to this happy guy on the street. 

Don’t forget! Participants CAN enter more than once! There is no limit! Just remember to include all your name choices in the comments section so they can be included in the voting survey.

Example: Jane Doe sends $25 and gets 5 name choices! It not only helps the project, but also increases your chances of winning and naming this adorable pup!

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE and remember to follow the page! Our 50% share of the donations will go towards the registration fees of “All Pets Deserve Vets” here in Mexico so we can be one step closer to getting the mobile outreach program on its feet!! There is a LOT of exciting stuff coming up soon and I CAN’T wait to share it all!! Thank you in advance for all your support and remember to… SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!!

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The BIGGEST and BEST Helper

I could ever ask for is a 5 year old little girl named Katie. She’s a little mini me! From bringing scared pups out of their shells, to training dogs how to be with children… “No jumping” she says, as she wags her finger. I couldn’t have hoped for a better little helper. Every afternoon after school and almost all days on weekends, this little whipper snapper is playing it up with the dogs, teaching them manners, hugging and cuddling them, making beds for them and always making sure they have their share of toys and more. She does not know what a huge impact she has on these animals or how she is preparing them for future success with their forever families – but I do and I have to say..I am one proud mother!

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Coral and Pippa Adopted Together!

Coral and Pippa were two sisters that were sent out at two different times to two different rescues last year in the Toronto area. They were both adopted into the same family – different homes. (sister’s family adopted one, brothers family adopted the other) and they still see each other often! I love it!!!! Thank you Almost Home Animal Rescue Team and Save Our Scruff for always finding the perfect homes. How cool is it that these sisters are going to always be life long family!

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