Marshall Marshall, we just love Marshall

Marshall is a DOLL of a dog.  My best guess is he is a Springer Spaniel mix.  Marshall is about 2 years old, neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, heartworm negative, was treated for Ehrlichia (a tick borne disease) and weighs about 14 kilos.  He’s a medium sized boy.  He’s got the floppy ears, the lobbed tail and the character!  He is SUCH a fun dog.  Very talkative and lets you KNOW how happy he is that you have returned home with his sweet chatty talk. 

Marshall was brought here after being hit by a car.  The poor dear had to be on crate rest and pain meds for quite a while as by the time a vet was found that could repair the break in his pelvis, it was already setting.  It was too late.  SO SAD, I know!  I sent his xrays out to so many clinics in Cancun and called and called and called and couldn’t get a response.  Finally, after a great friend of mine suggested, I reached out to a good friend who has a shelter in Playa Del Carmen for a referral and wouldn’t you know it!  The vet responded within MINUTES of receiving the xray!  He is now the ONLY go to for me for issues like this, and thankfully… I haven’t had any since.  The vet in Playa reassured me (after asking a few questions) that Marshall would heal just fine and he has!  He told me to continue the treatments he was put on by my good friend and vet Dr. Erik.  He does need more low impact exercise like swimming, he is not a jogging dog by far, but it doesn’t hold him back from a good run around outside with dogs.  He just needs to be monitored and ensured he doesn’t go too too crazy.  He just loves to play but prefers belly rubs BY FAR!  He is no longer on any pain meds as he does not need them. 

Marshall was named after the character from the show called Paw Patrol.  If you dont know the show, its a kids show where these dogs “Save the Day”.  One is a fire “marshall”, a police officer… you get the picture.  Marshall is one of the main characters who is a dalmatian dog that wears a fireman’s hat.  My 5 year old of course, LOVES the show and any white and black dog with spots is a Marshall.  This is the first male dog we have had who resembles the dog on the show… so he is officially Marshall and Katie and him just adore each other.  He really is a good, good, good boy!

The hardest thing, is to get him to look at me when I am taking a photo of him haha.  It’s as if he knows “if I take a good photo, I’m going to get adopted”.  But what he doesn’t realize he NEEDS a home of his own.   He will be more spoiled than I or Katie or Val could ever do because we have to spread ourselves out amongst all the dogs and pups.  I can’t wait for the day when he has his own bed and people to worship him the way he just LOVES to be worshipped. 

Without any further delay… here is the gorgeous, sweet Marshall!  (Please excuse my finger.  I was trying SO HARD to get him to look at me, I didn’t even notice I was getting my finger in the shot! haha!)  I just LOVE his smile!

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The BIG reveal!

Remember sweet Kris?  He was brought to me right around Christmas.  His poor skin was like leather.  He was SKIN and bones!  Here are some of his befores when he first came to me.  Just a reminder to our fb readers, click the link at the bottom to see all the photos and his wonderful transformation! 






The poor dear was just a mess.  He was totally shut down.  He did not know what affection was or if wanted it.  He was starving. (I still can’t believe how much this boy can eat!) Well, without any further delay, I introduce you to… the new Kris!!!

Isn’t he just the cutest!?




Kris with his shadow and good mate Marley!




Day or night, his little tail doesnt stop wagging.

Kris is now about 14 months old, but a very calm, loving young dog.  He is neutered. Fully vaccinated And READY for adoption! It wasn’t easy getting Kris to where he is now.  The poor fella itched so badly and because his skin was so sensitive, he was in sweaters to protect him from scratching himself.  Also, he had to be kept away from the animals so they wouldn’t accidentally hurt him while he healed. He developed a growth on his back leg that needed to be removed and sent to a lab for testing.  We should have the results soon!  Keep your paws crossed it was just an ulcer!  Kris says thank you to everyone who helped him along the way to get him where he is today!  It could not have been done without you!

Keep following to see Kris again, once he has found his very own forever family.  I have a feeling it won’t be long now!

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I have so much to update today, but first up – Momma and her 4 BEAUTIFUL puppies.  For those of you reading this on our facebook page, please click the link at the bottom to see all the photos!


  image Family time.  Angel making sure all her pups are accounted for.


Angel is such a happy girl.  She loves her people and her babies with everything she’s got. I have to say, having the Momma dog WITH the puppies makes such a HUGE difference.  Last year at this time while my husband and I were running a shelter for another organization… the amount of puppies we took in without mothers made for extremely stressful times.  Bottle feeding all hours, and even waking up every 4 hours to feed those babies already weaned to the mush food.  Hard work aside, the babies just do not have good chances of surviving without their mothers.  The last two litters I have been able to take in, both had mothers and for the first time – we really got to relax and fully enjoy seeing them grow!  Not having to worry or wonder… will they make it, how many will make it?  Having the mother with the puppies gives them the immunity they need, the vitamins and nutrients their little growing bodies need, the comfort, support and warmth only a mother dog can provide.  And when the mother dog is as SWEET and as LOVING and HAPPY as Angel is, WOW!  The pups have even greater chances of finding their perfect forever home.  They have the greatest little characters.  They absolutely LOVE to snuggle, as does their mom.  They are curious and playful, very confident and LOVE to explore. 











These ones are going to be tough to let go of when the time comes.  Same with Angel their mother.  She TRULY is an Angel.  No other name suits her personality so perfectly.

image “I’m guarding Momma while she rests.”

So, there are 3 boys and 1 girl.  If you have any name ideas, DO let me know!!!  This one, above and below is the female.  She just melts my heart! 


“I know you can’t resist picking me up!”

I DO have a darling video of all the pups and Momma Angel as well as one with Katie and ALL the puppies loving on her and playing with her.   I will upload it as SOON as I can! 

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So many updates, so little time!

What a crazy two weeks! 

First, for those of you reading this on our facebook page, please be patient.  My posts post automatically from the website (great time saver!) but facebook does not recognize the enter button so it posts my posts as one gigantic paragraph.  To read it the way it is meant to be seen (with ALL the photos!), please scroll down to the link below!  I have a LOT to update and pictures to show!


Update 1.  This is my favorite.  All Pets Deserve Vets and Save Our Scruff based in Toronto, Ontario is teaming up to bring a FREE 3 day spay and neuter campaign to Cancun!  The dates are April 29, 30 and 1st of May!  We are teaming up with a local team of skilled vets, Vets In Action and aim to spay and neuter 100 dogs and cats per day! That will prevent THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of animals from being born just to suffer.   Save Our Scruff (SOS) is raising the funds currently and looking for volunteers to come down!  Spaces are limited and support is GREATLY needed!  If you are local here in Cancun and wish to help or donate, please contact me directly!   If you are out of the Cancun area and would like to help out in ANY way, please contact SOS via their website Here! 

Update 2.  We have a NEW Momma and 4 puppies here!  My great friend Irene, who has worked in dog rescue for years down here… she called me to tell me about a litter of pups and a darling sweet momma at the car ferry in Punta Sam.  She was very worried about their safety and thankfully, I had the space and resources to be able to take them in.  The momma is young.  Maybe a year and a half old.  She is super intelligent and very sweet.  She will get adopted so quickly once her and her babies are ready!  I really hopes she passes all of her traits onto the pups!  She house trained herself in hours.  (She sits at the kitchen gate to let me know when she wants out to do her business).  She is constantly caring for, watching over, snuggling, cleaning her puppies.  She sits right away when she approaches you for pets or hugs.  Every photo I take of her, she is ALWAYS smiling!  Yet another street dog with the sweetest personality, is a street dog.  I cannot understand why.  Oh well, no point looking back only forward!  She has all the opporunities in the world now!  Momma and her puppies will ALL end up in loving, caring forever homes now!  no more sleeping out on the street for these lucky 5!  This momma needs a name so if you have ANY ideas please send them to me!


Update 3.  The reason I have been so busy and unable to update is this past week we helped in sending out 10 dogs to Canada for adoption in 7 days!  I recently connected with Dr. Luis Moncada, a skilled spay and neuter king and head vet of the Vets Association here in Cancun.  I did not know that he cared for a shelter of 70 dogs!  I was totally blown away and so impressed by how much they do for these dogs and how fantastic they look!  All perfectly vetted to a T.  So happy and well socilaized!  I had to get in and help them get some of their beloved animals find homes through my rescue partner in Toronto.  Really good homes for adoptions down here are so rare and hard to come by.  Especially when you’re talking about the common street dog.  Does not matter they come in all shapes, colours and sizes…  finding them homes is much, much easier abroad.  Thankfully, people do volunteer to be escorts for dogs to get back to Canada and I have to say, without volunteer escorts, some of our dogs just would not make it into homes at all.  If you are interested in being a flight volunteer, please contact me!  In the meantime, look at these happy doggies!  I know that in no time, I will be doing an update about them in their new happy homes!




Update 3.1 haha!  Kaila, one of the dogs that travelled was not quite sure about what was going on by the time she arrived in Toronto.  If anyone knows our Mexi’s, they are also nicknamed Houdinis.  These babes can back out of a collar or harness in the blink of an eye!  Silly Kaila did JUST that and took off running in the airport parking lot in Toronto.  She played hide and go seek VERY well with a group of dedicated people who are amazing at tracking and capturing lost dogs.  It was so scary for all of us, but I have to say… Kaila is not a dumb dog by any means.  She was trapped on the third day in a live trap and is in foster with her 4 legged friend Napoleon in foster.  She is much more appreciative of the warmth and constant love and attention.  She really has settled in very well and got a clean bill of health from the vet after she was captured.  See if you can spot her in the photo below!  I really have to send a HUGE thank you to the group of dedicated people who were out 24 hours a day until kaila was caught and safe.  I was totally blown away by your dedication, knowledge and organization! Kaila really put her survival skills and the eye sight of her rescuers to the test! haha!   I am so glad the “baby diaper” worked!  There are some things a mexi cannot resist! 

kailahiding kailapeeking captured kailanapoleon

My last update for today, and possibly my favorite.  (I do have more to come!  I just need to get ready for a meeting tonight re:spay and neuter campaign!)

Cesar.  One of the loves of my and my family’s life.  He is a red cocker boy who was so misunderstood because of his previous life and how he handled stress.  I could go on about him for ever.  Just know, I believed in him.  I knew he was capable of so much more than what he was labelled and I did not settle for him.  He has a home with another doggy sibling and a mom that adores him as much as we do.  He has adapted so well to being a pet, not a puppy guarding dog that he now enjoys all the things in life he never would have had the chance if I allowed him to be mislabelled.  This photo of Cesar not only gave me the biggest smile, but also the happiest tears.  His Mom said Cesar not only LOVES the snow, but was jumping on strangers tobaggans and riding with them down the hill!  This right here made having to say good bye to him worth it for my heart.



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Reggie is officially a Canadian!

Reggie became a Canadian yesterday!  All thanks to two amazing guys, Rob and Nelson, who volunteered to escort 3 dogs yesterday to Toronto.  3 organizations were able to each get a dog out to a better life and make life saving space to save another.  It was so bitter sweet saying good bye to my sweet, sweet boy Reggie but knowing what an amazing life he is going to have… makes it easier to let go.  Reggie was one of those special dogs with a personality that just sweeps you away.  He loves to hug, is so laid back and happy-go-lucky.  He got along with everything and everyone he ever met.  Best of luck to you Reggie!  I know you are going to find the PERFECT home thanks to my amazing rescue partners Save Our Scruff.  I will see you again!  Momma loves you always!

If you are travelling to Cancun, please consider being a flight parent!  It does not cost you anything and it only takes a few minutes extra of your time.  You can email me at  You can also get more infomation by going Here and Here !

If you are asking yourself why do we export – that answer can be found here.

Here are photos with Reggie’s before and after’s, as well as my sweet boy warm and cozy in Toronto!

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