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high volume spay and neuter campaigns

Wonderful news coverage from the campaign!

Soooooo FRIENDS!!! 
My most FAVORITE past time of organizing high volume spay and neuter campaigns is under way and I want to find MORE people to join the team! Soooooo if you know anyone who wants to come to Cancun for 6 plus days to work with a team of amazing people to make life changing differences that LAST for lifetimes to come…

Tell them to inbox me!!!!

These are the most amazing ways to spend your vacation and make a difference but dont take my word for it!

Take it away Kenneth Brown

The campaign was a great experience for me. I’m a medical student and public health practitioner so this opportunity to make a difference at the local level was something I jumped at. 
As my first multi-day campaign ever, it was so rewarding to work with like-minded people doing something that will really help the community.
Reducing animal population, providing education and working at a grueling pace was such a rush! It’s not glamorous and it will test you but few things worthwhile seldom are. Leaving my ego at the door was essential.
I had my concerns about volun-tourism having heard stories involving exploitation of locals for profits. This is absolutely the opposite! Every effort is made to involve local expertise to help build skills and the impact is long-lasting. No revolving door of “feel good” experiences that benefit the organizers. This is true grassroots action. I’ll be back in a heartbeat… 
Ken Brown, CPHI(C), MPA, BASc

Spay and Neuter Mexico
All Pets Deserve Vets

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Campaign Update -142 Dogs & Cats!!

What an amazing 2 days!!!!!

142 dogs and cats were sterilized over 2 days. The participation again of the community was again… hands down amazing! Many people brought in not only their own dogs, but street dog friends as well ðŸ™‚ The never ending flow of hugs and sincere thank you’s were just that…. never ending. It was emotional in the most wonderful way.

The vet team again – hands down phenomenal. Without their support and their willingness to come together and volunteer right along side us – we of course couldn’t do this without you and I deeply appreciate you taking the time out to help make the difference. Your skills, knowledge and expert quick spay techniques really – blow my mind and I hope you know how grateful and honored I am to have your support.

The volunteers from Cancun and from abroad…. we all come from different places with the same goal and we did it!!!! Prepped and recovered 142 animals!!!! Im sure you are all as sore as I am, IF NOT MORE (the vets too!!! Its amazing they stand like that all day and still smile!!) The volunteers came from Cancun, France and Canada and did a great job ensuring the vets could work their magic all day long.

To all the sponsors that fed us, and supported us with materials and space…. 
Gosh. Im so overwhelmed Im lost haha. We couldnt do this without you.

We did a great job team. I proud of all of you and thank you all deeply for doing all you did for the communities.

Special thanks to Jorge and his wonderful family who live at and guard the school. You were such a wonderful help and kept all our things safe and secure. I never expected you all to help so much. I hope to do more campaigns.

Another special thank you Gabriel Lopez, the director of Beinstar Animal in Cancun for helping me with the incineration and even sending your team to my home today to gather the things because I am SO exhausted. I did plan on driving over to see you today… but I sent a few presents for all the amazing work you do day in and day out – to make up for not coming and giving you a hug directly.

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I have to show this little guy Kris! He is ADORABLE, but he does not look it in a few of these photos. This poor little dog wandered onto someone’s property and he found his way to me through a good friend. He had a REALLY bad fungal infection which caused him to to lose 90% of his fur and ehrlichia, a common tick borne disease that is fatal without treatment. I wanted to wait to show his after photos, but he already looks so different you may not believe its the same dog! So, here are his photos from the day of his rescue, and his progress photos from 2 weeks ago! In a few weeks when his fur has finished growing fully in, I’ll do the BIG reveal! Keep checking back for his final reveal and more!!  ♥ ♥

Kris – Maltese mix
Age – 9 months

Kris was very sick and anti social when first arriving. After a few days of good food, baths and meds he has completely turned around is one of the spunkiest pups I’ve met yet!


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